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时间:2022-10-30 20:04:07 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2377字


drift about


漂泛───drift about


They drift about lazily with the currents, providing a basic food for many larger animals.───它们随波逐流, 为许多较大的动物提供了基本的食物.

I will bring you and visit our school, and joined the activity of travelling and drift about on foot that our school organize.───我将带你游览我们学校,并参加我们学校组织的徒步旅行和漂流活动。

Characters drift about aimlessly.───人物总是漫无目的地四处流浪.

Dandelion seeds drift about at the mercy of the wind, nobody knows where they are going.───蒲公英的种子随风漂荡, 也不知将会飞向何方.

These blocks are like "rafts" which can drift about.───这些板块,就像“木筏”,是可以漂移的。


Inclining the orbit 9. 9 degrees enabled the craft to drift about ten degrees above and below the equator.