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时间:2022-10-30 20:03:30 作者:学习啦 字数:2576字


This is


这位───This one;这位───This one


Begin with this one and do the others afterwards.───先做这个,然后再做其他的事.

This one completes the set.───加上这一件就凑成全套了.

We're all with you on this one.───在这个问题上我们都支持你。

Like the best stories, this one may yet have a happy end.───就像最精彩的故事那样,这个故事也许仍会有个美好的结局。

All other issues are subordinate to this one.───所有其他问题都没有这一问题重要。

She had a daughter last year. They call this one Catherine.───去年她生了个女孩, 他们叫她凯瑟琳.

That building differs greatly from this one.───那幢房子跟这一幢大不相同.

I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure.───回顾此事,我会无比地开心。


I'd like this one, and that one, please.

Would you exchange this one hundred dollar bill with five twenties? 100.

I'd like to buy this one.

This one is a notch better than the other.

I like the looks of this one better.