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时间:2022-10-30 20:03:12 作者:趣历史 字数:2631字


Upper and lower case


大写───Capitalization;小写───a lowercase letter


Microsoft and Oracle, for example, command massive market capitalization in stock market.───举个例子.微软和甲骨文, 在股票市场引导著大规模资本运作.

In addition, most our holdings are big capitalization stocks with good liquidity.───此外, 我们持有的大多数投资项目是大市值、流动性良好的股票.

Is the index capitalization weighted or price weighted?───是资本加权指数还是价格加权指数?

This value is called the capitalization of the company.───这种价值称为公司的股本.

The capitalization of constants in the Color class.───将color类中的常量变为大写。

The United States contributed approximately 35 percent of the World Bank's original $ 9.1 thousand - million capitalization.───在世界银行最初的91亿美元资金中,约35%是由美国提供的.

Land rent capitalization is land resource cost - raw land cost.───其实现形式为地租,地租资本化即为土地资源价格 - 生地价.

One of the major reasons for business failure is under-capitalization.───事业之所以失败主要原因之一就是缺少资金。
