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时间:2022-10-06 08:00:50 作者:学习啦 字数:2731字






Goro Miyazaki asked me just as I was leaving , " Did you like the movie ? "───在那个情况下这不是个容易 回答 的问题.

Goro, marriage Pinkerton ( mezzo - soprano ) ; Cio - cio - san's child ( silent ).───五郎, 媒人 ( 男高音)巧巧桑的孩子 ( 无声 ).

Goro now returns, announcing the arrival of Butterfly and her companions.───五郎回来了, 报告大家蝴蝶和女伴们来到.

Goro Abe : We are thinking about a number close to past WarioWare titles, so close to 200.───我们在考虑加上历代相关的主题.因此将近200.

Sharpless, guided by Goro, pays a visit to Butterfly .───夏普勒斯在五郎的陪同下来找蝴蝶。

After goro-goro happens the world will return to normal.───在? goro - goro发生之后,世界就恢复了正常。

I had a very moving letter from him, and later one from Mr Goro.───从他那里我收到一封非常动人的信, 稍后又收到一封来自吾朗先生的.


A nickel investment under way at Goro in New Caledonia may show whether Vale has the skills to manage a big, technically demanding mining project.

Goro, marriage Pinkerton ( mezzo - soprano ) ; Cio - cio - san's child ( silent ).