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时间:2022-10-06 08:00:41 作者:趣历史 字数:2467字


Restaurant owner




The boss put Cage to the door.───老板把凯奇辞退了.

She always walks on eggshells around her boss.───在老板身边,她总是小心翼翼的.

Have you got a match, Boss?───老板,有火柴 吗 ?

He tried to upstage his boss at the meeting.───他在会议期间尽力显得比上司突出.

The way Charles tried to make up to the boss was distasteful to the workers.───工人们很看不惯查尔斯想巴结老板的那种样子.

The boss covers all bases when he sets up a job.───老板设立一个工作岗位时,需要方方面面都考虑到。

I asked my boss for a holiday.───我向老板申请度假.

The boss seems to think highly of you.───上司似乎很器重你.


The boss has sent for me.

He bumped into his boss in the store.

The boss wouldn't approve of the plan.

She launched into a blistering attack on her boss.

I was summoned by my boss .