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时间:2022-10-06 08:00:44 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2789字


Noodles and rice are very delicious




I like to eat the delicious sheet jelly made in that noodle factory.───我很喜欢吃那家粉房做出来的粉皮,晶莹透亮又筋道.

This time, his point is still noodle, call the fish, Orecchiette each a small bowl.───这次, 他点的仍然是刀削面 、 拨鱼儿 、 猫耳朵各一小碗.

We are Noodle Broth runs deep through our veins.───我们是面条家族,血管里流淌着的都是面汤.

Research on Company A's feasibility entering the instant noodle industry is the intention of this paper.───本论文是对A公司进入方便面食品行业的可行性研究.

have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.───有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。

Potato has high nutrition and health function, The process of potato instant noodle is studied.───马铃薯全粉具有较高的营养价值及保健作用, 研究了马铃薯方便面的生产工艺及配方.

Use your noodle to figure out the math problem.───动动脑子,把这道数学题做出来.

He went to the piano and noodle around until the tune came back to him.───他走到钢琴边随意弹奏起来,一直到他想起那曲子.


I'll have instant noodle for supper.