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时间:2022-09-14 00:01:04 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2865字


It's a hundred years old


百年───a hundred years;历史───history


It's a message from a hundred years ago, if one knew how to read it.'───这是条一百年前传来的消息 —— 问题是我们得知道怎样读得懂. ”

It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to rear people.───十年树木, 百年树人.

The corn was still sown, cut and threshed as it was a hundred years ago.───玉米的播种、收割、脱粒方法还和一百年前一样。

It is hard to picture life a hundred years ago.───我们很难想象一百年前人们的生活.

This pine is a hundred years old.───这棵松树的年龄是100岁.

It is seldom that a man lives to be a hundred years old.───人生百岁古来稀.

An old Chinese saying goes, " It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people ".───中国有句古话: “ 十年树木,百年树人. ”

This state of affairs lasted without intermission for a hundred years.───这种局面从未间断地持续了一百年。


The tree was probably a hundred years old.

A hundred years after Confucius died, Mencius taught and expanded Confucian doctrine.

A hundred years ago coronary heart disease was virtually unknown in Europe and America.

A hundred years ago people scoffed at the idea.

A hundred years ago, Britain had a large empire.