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时间:2022-09-14 00:00:00 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2653字


8:00 sharp Beijing time


北京时间───Beijing time;八点───Eight o'clock


The last of the trapped were expected to reach the surface by midday today, Beijing time.───最后的几名矿工预备在北京时间的正午获救。

The Insurance Period shall be defined in terms of Beijing time.───保险期间的界定以北京时间为准。

China's biggest dating website, fell on its first day of trading at the Nasdaq stock exchange early Thursday Beijing time.───北京时间12日凌晨,国内最大婚恋网站世纪佳缘在美国纳斯达克首日上市遭破发。


Vote of the 16th confederative parliament is in the Germany that holds one year ahead of schedule local time 18 days morning 8 when (Beijing time 18 days afternoon 16 when) begin formally.

Barack Obama declared victory Wednesday (Beijing time) in the hard-fought race for the Democratic nomination to become the first black with a viable chance of winning the White House.

Time: 7 hrs earlier than GMT; 1 hrs later than Beijing Time.

Time: 10 hours earlier than GMT; 2 hours earlier than Beijing Time.

What's the difference between Beijing time and GMT Greenwich Mean Time?