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时间:2022-11-18 04:04:23 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2710字


mark examination papers




I cleared my desk of papers.───我清理好了写字台上的文件。

Thereafter she wrote articles for papers and magazines in Paris.───此后她给巴黎的报纸和杂志撰稿。

Even the quality papers agreed that it was a triumph.───即使是内容严肃的报纸也认为这是一次胜利。

I return herewith your papers.───我随信退还你的文件。

Many, if not most, scientific papers are presented orally at scientific meetings.───许多科学论文,即便不是大多数,都是以口头形式在科学会议上发表的。

He picked each lock deftly, and rifled the papers within each drawer.───他熟练地撬开每一把锁,把每个抽屉里的文件都偷走了。

His papers were proof against all but the most expert of scrutinies.───他的论文几乎可以经受住最专业的审查。

The papers in maths and English are very testing.───数学试卷和英语试卷很难。


He deposited the papers with his lawyer.

I submitted my papers to the examiner.

My son jumbled up all my papers.

There's a mound of papers on my desk.

You must give in your examination papers now.