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时间:2022-11-18 04:04:09 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2540字


He sell




We do not sell on credit.───我们不赊销.

They sell hard-core pornography.───他们出售赤裸裸的色情物品。

They acquire the land in order to be able to sell it advantageously to the government.───他们购下这块土地,目的是在转手给政府时能够从中渔利。

We have no milk to sell; the cows have dried up.───奶牛没奶了; 我们没有牛奶可卖.

This kind of shirt is very easy to sell.───这种衬衫很抢手.

a strategic decision to sell off part of the business───卖掉企业一部分的战略决策

They sell all kinds of things.───他们出售各种各样的东西。

It is always a good idea to sell through a licensed dealer.───通过特许经销商销售总是个好主意.


They sell all kinds of things.

Ready meals sell well because of their convenience.

Do not sell the bear’s skin before you have caught the bear.

We sell quality tools at the right price.

Sell the bear’s skin before one has caught the bear.