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时间:2022-11-17 12:04:09 作者:趣历史 字数:2930字


Terrorists terrorists




There have been enormous advances in the compilation of data on suspected terrorists.───恐怖嫌疑犯的资料收集工作已经取得了非常大的进展。

Transportation accidents resulting in radiation releases could occur, as could thefts by terrorists.───因放射物泄露而引起的运输事故可能会发生.

Some of the terrorists used boats to infiltrate Mumbai's Colaba coast.───一些恐怖主义分子利用船只渗透进入孟买的科拉巴海岸.

In the local division and firmly crack down on terrorists.───要在当地坚决打击分裂和恐怖主义分子.

Your opinions on the terrorists'attack upon the World Trade Center.───你对世贸中心劫机攻击的看法.

But ultimately, these terrorists will fail achieve their goals.───但最终这些恐怖主义分子不可能得逞.

The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace.───恐怖主义者驾驶飞机撞向宫殿.

Matching all bags would not deter suicidal terrorists, though.───可是这样的安排就不能阻止自杀性恐怖事件的发生.


The terrorists escaped across/over the border.

Once again terrorists have slipped through the police net.

The terrorists were given ten minutes to surrender.

Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists.

The terrorists were killed when their bomb detonated unexpectedly.