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时间:2022-11-17 12:03:34 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2960字


I want to buy a new mobile phone


新手机───New mobile phone;想───Think about it


look, I just got a new mobile phone.───瞧,我的新手机。

Answer: its new mobile phone business.───答案:苹果新的手机业务。

Julia: Like my snazzy new mobile phone?───朱莉娅:喜欢我这个时髦的新手机吗?

If you've set up a new mobile phone recently, you were likely prompted with an innocent-sounding request for your "usage information. "───如果你最近弄了部新手机,我想你肯定收到了一条天真无辜地问你关于可否“信息使用”的请求。

The store looks more like an upscale cigar club, rather than a place where new mobile-phone programs are registered.───这家店看上去更像是一个高档雪茄会所,而不是一个注册手机新计划的地方。

You could send her a new mobile phone as her birthday present.───你可以送她一个新手机作为生日礼物。


A new mobile phone charger that will work with any handset has been approved by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a United Nations body.

Consumers are thought to be waiting to see if new mobile phone services and email via television meet their needs.

He reckons his new mobile phone is the best thing since sliced bread.

Thursday, Westminster City Council launched a new mobile phone text message service that will guide Londoners and tourists to their nearest public lavatory.