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时间:2022-11-17 08:02:31 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2716字


Buy a hat for my father


爸爸───dad;一顶帽子───A hat


He had this chip on his shoulder about my mum and dad thinking that they're better than him.───他在我父母面前一脸晦气,觉得他们看不起他。

My dad had to buy CDs of all the albums he already owned on vinyl.───我爸爸就是要买他已有的所有黑胶唱片的CD版。

We waited for Mom and Dad to get home.───我们等爸爸妈妈回家。

My dad spent $ 500 on a new coat and my mom had a cow.───我爸爸花了500美元买了一件外套,妈妈顿时气不打一处来.

That's my dad over there.───那边那位是我爸爸。

I've always wanted to be an actor but Dad wouldn't hear of it.───我一直想当个演员,但爸爸不同意。

I can't ever recall Dad hugging me. Neither did I sit on his knee.───我不记得爸爸曾经抱过我,我也没在他膝盖上坐过。

"Be careful!" — "Sure thing, Dad. So long."───“要多加小心!”——“一定会的,爸爸。再见。”


Dad seemed more disappointed than angry.

Dad sighed and stood up.

Dad and I had a good laugh over it.

He visits his Dad in prison every week.

Dad went out to milk the cows.