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时间:2022-11-17 08:01:56 作者:语文迷 字数:2413字


Order tea




Let your tea cool a little before you drink it.───让茶凉点儿再喝.

The British drink a great deal of tea.───英国人饮大量的茶.

As there's no tea, we'll have to content ourselves with coffee.───既然没有茶, 我们只好喝杯咖啡算了.

A waitress came in, carrying tea on a tray.───一名女侍者走进来, 手端放着茶的托盘.

Tea or coffee?" John asked.───喝茶还是喝咖啡?” 约翰问。

There is a tea whisk on the table.───桌子上有个搅茶器.

We discuss the business over tea and cakes.───我们边吃茶点边商洽业务吧.

Let the tea brew and cool a little before you drink it.───让茶泡一会,凉一下再喝.


I like lemon in my tea.

Tea is raised chiefly in China, Japan and India.

I'll get Venner to brew some tea.

How about having a cup of tea?

Do you like your tea sweet?