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时间:2022-11-13 04:01:42 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2571字


I don't want to change


改变───change;不想───I don't want to


She has entered upon the change of life.───她已进入了更年期.

He thought his book would change society. But he didn't bring it off.───他认为他的书能改变社会,但是他没有完成它。

The experience helped to change her social consciousness.───这种经验有助于改变她的社会意识.

Water may change from a liquid to a solid.───水可以由液体变为固体.

The personnel are not happy to change these rules.───全体工作人员对改变这些规定很不高兴.

Leaves change colour in autumn.───树叶在秋天改变颜色。

He is very obstinate; you won't be able to make him change his mind.───他这个人脾气犟, 你可拗不过他.

We must change at the next station for Chicago.───我们得在下一站换车去芝加哥.


The leopard cannot change its spots.

At what station should I change?

Wise men change their minds; fools never do.

Can you change these traveler's checks?

Can the leopard change his spots.