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时间:2022-11-06 00:01:31 作者:星火作文 字数:2971字


Roll Call


兵点───Military point;将───take


From the military point of view the expedition had achieved its aims. We had drawn the dragon's teeth but many will say we had also sown them.───从军事上看,我们那次远征达到了目的。我们铲除了后患,不过许多人会说我们同时也种下了祸根。

From the purely military point of view such action “par petits paquets” (in sections) carries a disadvantage with it.───从纯粹的军事角度而言,像“分区”这样的行为有其本身的劣势。

The TH Company is a national military point business enterprise, which manufacture electronics equipment.───TH公司是国家大型军工电子产品制造骨干企业。

From a military point of view, pigeons still had much to recommend them as late as the First World War.───从军事的角度来看,鸽子最晚在第一次世界大战时就有许多可圈可点之处。

From the military point of view, rocket weapons have continually progressed to their current state of sophistication.───由于军事上的需要,火箭武器不断地发展到目前日益完善的状态。

From the purely military point of view such action "par petits paquets" (in sections) carries a disadvantage with it.───从纯粹的军事角度而言,像“分区”这样的行为有其本身的劣势。


From a military point of view, the strategic importance of the Iberian Peninsula was evident simply from looking at a map.