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时间:2022-11-06 00:01:07 作者:语文迷 字数:2576字


Make a fuss


揽非───Take the blame;招是───What's the trick


TV programs take the blame. Children are good at imitating them.───这都怪电视节目, 孩子们擅长模仿他们.

I know I have been taught to take the blame.───我知道我已经学会了承担.

I have to take the blame.───这事应怪我.

The company is ready to take the blame for what had happened.───公司准备对已发生的事情承担责任.

We should take the blame for our failure.───我们应该承担失败的责任.

I couldn't think of letting you take the blame.───我没想到过让你承担责任.

Why should I take the blame for somebody else's mistakes?───我为什么要代人受过呢?

Why should I take the blame?───我为什么该受责备?


The government will have to take the blame for the riots.

'I don't see why I should take the blame for this!' she protested.

I cannot stand idly by and let him take the blame.

The company is ready to take the blame for what had happened.

I couldn't think of letting you take the blame .