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时间:2022-11-04 12:00:35 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2772字


Show surrender




A look of disbelief came into his eyes, but was quickly replaced by one of dismal surrender.───他眼里闪现出一丝怀疑,但又马上代之以可怜无助的依从。

They waved the white flag as a sign that they wish to surrender.───他们挥动白旗表示愿意投降.

They had no thought of surrender.───他们没有想过要投降。

Depression is a partial surrender to death.───沮丧是对死亡的一定妥协。

It's better to surrender to your grief for a time, then you will be able to deal with your feeling.───最好的办法是暂且痛苦一阵子, 过后你就会冷静下来了.

Paris was besieged for four months and forced to surrender.───巴黎被围困了四个月后被迫投降。

In the end they were forced to surrender.───最后他们被迫投降了.

We advised the hijackers to surrender themselves to the police.───我们劝那些劫持者向警察投案.


The terrorists were given ten minutes to surrender.

Do not through fear of poverty surrender liberty.

Do no through fear of poverty surrender liberty.

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The rebel soldiers were forced to surrender.