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时间:2022-11-04 12:00:31 作者:语文迷 字数:2767字


I love you




She is beckoning you to come upstairs.───她正招手叫你上楼.

Employees are there to work, not to do your every beckoning.───雇员是来工作的, 不是来惟命是从的.

Don't you see the angels beckoning and calling me away?───你可看见天使在向我招手,远远地把我呼唤?

It beckoning us on, ever - south and into more remote seas.───那头神秘的鲸还总转移“阵地”,它吸引着我们向更南方更遥远的地方驶去.

My relatives were still waving, as if beckoning me home from the other side the world.───亲人们还在频频挥手, 好像在欢迎我从世界的另一端回来一样.

Seeing the guest beckoning to him, the waiter goes over.───见到客人向自己示意, 服务员走了过去.

He reeled and recovered , the darkling abyss below beckoning to him, inviting his fall.───他蹒跚着, 努力恢复平衡.

Many new challenges and opportunities are beckoning.───你们将面对不少新挑战和机会.


He stands in the aisle, beckoning to me.

But fate was beckoning our family to move on.

I could see my husband beckoning me.

I saw one arm raised, beckoning me.

Beckoning the boss, the customer asks where he found this prodigy.