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时间:2022-11-03 16:01:02 作者:星火作文 字数:3145字


severe cold


酷寒───severe cold


In severe cold of winter, her heart is filled with warmth.───爱是一片叶子即使是身处严冬, 在她心中,也都春意浓浓.

Set up by a severe cold in October, Mary could not throw off her pneumonia.───玛丽十月间得过一场重感冒,抵抗力大为减弱,因而肺炎难以痊愈.

People working hard in the heat and severe cold.───在酷暑严寒中辛勤工作的人们.

Northern China is a severe cold snap that is putting pressure on vegetable prices.───席卷中国北方的寒流不断给蔬菜价格造成压力.

Three trains went out of action yesterday when the severe cold ruined the engines.───昨天严寒损坏了引擎,有3列火车停开.

In severe cold, your fingers can freeze onto metal handles, so be sure to cover your hands.───在严寒里你的手指会冻在金属握柄上, 所以务必戴上手套.

Here he passed his evenings during seasons of severe cold: he called it his winter salon.───严寒季节便成了他夜间生活的地方.他叫那做“冬斋”.

However, under the severe cold weather, evacuees are having a very difficult time because they lack food, water, and energy sources," he said.───尽管,这种非常糟糕的天气状况使撤离非常的困难,因为他们没有食物,没有水,也没有足够的能源。


At Green Animals, severe cold has been known to make a privet nose wither.

Severe cold conditions could lead to a big increase in cod numbers.

She is lying in bed with a severe cold.

The severe cold caused a water main to burst and flood the street.

Severe cold turned our ears pink.