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时间:2022-11-03 16:00:52 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2656字


Zhao AI


赵哎───Zhao AI


But the alternative is an unbridgeable gap between town and country - with children such as Zhao Ai stranded in poverty as his urban peers romp ahead.───但是选择的天平上,除此之外便是不可逾越的城乡差距——像赵艾这样的孩子仍处于困境之中,而他同龄的城里孩子们,已轻松的跑在了前面。

So for the foreseeable future, Zhao Ai and his friends are stuck with their long journeys and school days in an ageing, cracking building with no running water or heating.───所以可预见到的是,赵艾和他的朋友们仍将跋涉于重重山路,在年老失修,缺少自来水与供暖的房子里接受教育。

Zhao Ai is lucky; his family make up in warmth what they lack in income.───赵艾是幸运的;他有一个温暖的家尽管缺少收入。

Nine-year-old Zhao Ai (front), one of China's 50 million "left behind" children.───9岁的赵艾(音译),是中国5千万留守儿童中的一员。


But the alternative is an unbridgeable gap between town and country – with children such as Zhao Ai stranded in poverty as his urban peers romp ahead.