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时间:2022-10-31 16:01:42 作者:语文迷 字数:2516字


keep pace with


跟住───keep pace with


Raliway industry must keep pace with the growing demands for carrying freight and passengers.───铁道工业必须跟上货运和客运日益增长的需要.

earnings of the average American have failed to keep pace with the rate of inflation.───一般美国人的收入跟不上通货膨胀的速度。

Do you also believe political reform should be accelerated to keep pace with economic reform?───中国的政治改革是否需要跟上经济改革的步伐?

We must keep pace with the new development of modern scientific research.───我们必须跟上现代科学研究的新发展.

It's important for a company to keep pace with changes in the market.───对于一家公司来说,跟上市场发展是很重要的.

Farmers are angry because the rise fails to keep pace with inflation.───农民们很气愤,因为提价赶不上通货膨胀。

We should keep pace with the swift tempo of the day.───我们应跟上时代的飞速步伐.

He was so unfit he couldn't keep pace ( with us ).───他身体很不好,跟不上 ( 我们 ).
