How do you spell the meat
It was a clever speech, but there was no real meat in it.───这是一次巧妙的演说, 可惜没有实际内容.
Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat.───生肉和熟肉必须分开存放。
She sliced me a piece of meat.───她给我切了一片肉.
Meat spoils more quickly without preservatives.───不加防腐剂,肉会坏得快.
The butcher shop will bill me for the meat I bought this month.───肉店将把我这个月所买的肉钱开帐单给我.
Wine vinegar tenderizes meat.───酒醋能让肉变得软嫩。
Meat was available once a week if at all.───就算有肉,也是每周才吃一次。
He dug a fork into the meat.───他把叉子叉入肉中.
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