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时间:2022-10-24 00:05:17 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2518字


From two to three


从两点───From two points;三点───Three points


Aiming at the risk of life loss by fire, a set of district risk criteria is discussed from two points: individual risk and societal risk.───针对火灾生命损失风险从个体风险和社会风险两个方面,对区域火灾风险准则的确立进行了探讨。

I should like to examine this question from two points of view, one political, the other economic.───我想从两个角度来考察和回答这个问题,一个是政治角度,一个是经济角度。

Panning the menu is important from two points of view: the owners' profit and the customers' pleasure.───从两个角度看,设计菜单是重要的:店主的利益和顾客的满意。


A time series factor analysis was conducted utilizing the history data, from two points of view: the demand of health service and the the providing capacity of health fund.

We may seek countermeasures against electronic business practice from two points, legal restriction and legislation.