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时间:2022-10-22 20:00:51 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2225字


The way to success


成路───The way to success


IKEA shows to numerous Chinese enterprises that step-by-step expanding is the right way of doing business and the way to success.───宜家的张弛相宜,告诉中国众多企业,盲目扩张是错误,循序渐进才是制胜之道。

May you can make it all the way to success on your project. My wishes.───希望您的项目一切顺利,送上我的祝福!

DILIGENCE: we only need diligence on the way to success.───勤:在路上,我们只有勤奋。


Especially, I would like to express my gratitude to my tax staff for their hard work and support to pull us tax team through the hot water on the way to success.

He is the great manipulator and pointed the way to success.