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时间:2022-10-22 20:00:41 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2786字


Look and feint




The sunset provision was just a feint to make them look affordable.───日落条款只是虚晃一枪,目的是让这些举措看起来负担得起.

With lightning feint, one after another pair finally seized hold and began to grapple.───一对对摔跤手采取声东击西的佯攻手法,使对方猝不及防,终于揪住了对方,开始搏斗起来.

Now they can a smaller more agile force, threaten, feint, and attack from another direction.───现在可以用小型机动部队, 从另一个方向威胁 、 佯攻和打击.

But are they steps in the right direction, or a feint by Iran to dodge curbs on its suspect ambitions?───然而,这是否沿正确的方向前进了一步,亦或是伊朗为逃避对其备受怀疑的野心的制裁而阳奉阴违?

However, Gallade unleashes a Feint and in one hit faints the fire horse.───可是超能战士使出‘佯攻’,一下便打倒烈焰马.

The boy made a feint of studying hard, but actually he was listening to the radio.───这男孩装作用功, 但实际上他正听著收音机.

Feint feint, preventing your target from attacking for 2 seconds.───佯攻, 2秒内防止目标受到攻击.

The boy made a feint of studying hard, though actually he was listening to the radio.───这孩子实际上正在听收音机, 却假装着在用功.
