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时间:2022-10-21 20:02:07 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2677字


Plan to win


运筹制胜───Plan to win


Mr Obama took an American approach to health care, dismissing both a Canadian single-payer option and a broad federal safety-net plan to win support.───奥巴马选择了一个美国式的健保方案来赢得支持,放弃了加拿大式的单一支付方案和广泛的联邦安全网方案。

But that trophy was a small bauble compared to the ones France have already won and plan to win again.───但相对于法国队已经取得的荣誉,以及将要争取的奖项,这似乎微不足道。

Also do not plan to win your first time unless you have FINISHED your robot a month before the competition.───也不要指望你第一次就能获胜,除非在比赛开始的前一个月你已完成机器人。

You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win. Zig Ziglar.───你生来就是要赢的,但是你要你要成为胜利者必须计划去赢,准备去赢,期待去赢--------金克拉。

Toshiba has already mapped out a plan to win orders for 39 nuclear-power plants, including some in the U. S. and China, by 2015.───东芝公司已经制定计划,打算在2015年之前拿下39家核电厂的订单,其中包括一些美国和中国的电厂订单。
