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时间:2022-10-21 20:01:18 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2769字


Don't run around


乱跑───Running around;别───other


With three active little kids running around, there was plenty to keep me busy.───有3个好动的小孩到处跑,就够让我忙的了。

We had been running around cleaning up.───我们一直忙来忙去做清洁。

She's always running around with older men.───她总爱跟年纪比较大的男人来往。

Seeing the people of the court, he suddenly became very frightened and began running around, madly trying to escape.───看到宫殿上的人群,风鹿惊恐不已开始往回跑,拼命地想逃脱。

"It's pretty darn exciting, and a bit crazy" , she says, "to see a bunch of researchers running around burning down a forest. "───“这真是太刺激了,而且还有点疯狂,”她说,“看着一群研究人员东奔西跑烧毁一片树林。”

We were all running around trying to get ready in time.───我们东奔西跑,望能按时准备就绪。


The children were running around in the garden.

With four small children running around, the place is a madhouse.

The kids were running around/round/about outside.

I'm exhausted - I've been running around all morning.

Everyone was running around naked. It was totally whacked.