Car mother
车母───Car mother
When my parents were getting divorced," she said, "my mother bought a car."───我父母离婚的时候,”她说,“我妈妈买了辆车,是辆旧车。”
I was rescued from a burning car but my mother died in the accident,'' explained Karen.───我是从一辆燃烧的汽车中被救出来的,但是我的母亲在事故中丧生了。”凯伦解释说。
A 16-year-old asked a stranger at a grocery store to buy him and his mother some food in exchange for carrying the man's groceries to his car.───一名16岁的少年在杂货店向一名陌生人请求,给自己和母亲买一些食物。作为交换,他帮陌生人把买的东西搬到他车上。
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