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时间:2022-10-19 08:00:16 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2731字






The foreign minister admitted he was still anxious about the situation in the country.───外交部长承认对于该国的局势他仍然颇感忧虑。

He was anxious to meet you.───他急切地想与你会面.

Lloyd George was most anxious to be agreeable and pleasant.───劳埃德·乔治极力想表现得平易近人、和蔼亲切。

They are really anxious for peace.───他们确实渴望和平.

She seemed a trifle anxious.───她似乎有点儿焦急。

We are anxious that he should listen to our advice.───我们担心他是否能听从我们的劝告.

Eleanor was now less anxious about her offspring than she had once been.───埃莉诺现在不像以往那样为孩子忧心了。

I was anxious for everything to be settled.───我渴望每一件事都安排妥当.


He was anxious to the point of neurosis.

The more you fight something, the more anxious you become ---the more you're involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape.

I am not a bit anxious about my battles, If I am anxious I don't fight them, I wait until I am ready.

He was anxious to preserve his reputation.

He is anxious to finish the job.