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时间:2022-10-19 00:03:30 作者:学习啦 字数:2874字


Lecture content




Professor Pearson gave the inaugural lecture in the new lecture theatre.───皮尔逊教授在新的阶梯讲堂发表了启用演说.

I was asked to lecture on the Arabic literature yesterday.───昨天我应邀去讲阿拉伯文学.

The lecture was given under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences.───这次报告会是由科学院主办的.

In his lecture, he bore down on the importance of idiomatic usage in a language.───他在演讲中着重强调了语言中习惯用法的重要性.

The half hour lecture caused an enormous furor.───那半小时的演讲引起了极大的轰动.

She gave them a chastening lecture.───她给他们做了一次令他们对自己的行为感到内疚的演讲。

It's a common problem, the one I'm asked about most when I'm on the lecture circuit.───这问题很常见,我在巡回讲演时被问得最多的就是这个问题.

Tom has been invited to lecture about his method of writing to a class of English students.───汤姆已应邀去给一个英语班作报告,谈他的写作方法.


We look forward to your lecture with eager anticipation.

She recast her lecture as a radio talk.

Tom doodled during the whole lecture.

Several hundred students crammed into the lecture hall.

I felt my attention wandering during the lecture.