What do you think of this skirt
The skirt should be flared at the bottom.───裙子下端应展开.
The little girl pesters her mother for a new skirt.───小姑娘跟妈妈磨蹭着要一条新裙子.
I bought a skirt length of tweed.───我买了一段够做一条裙子的花呢料.
She was wearing a skirt and blouse.───她穿着裙子和衬衫.
Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the same width.───裙子每条皱折的宽度应该完全一样.
She looks very pretty in that new skirt.───她穿那条新裙子很好看.
Her tight skirt hikes up when she sits down.───每当她坐下的时候,她的紧身裙就向上移.
This skirt needs some new elastic in the waist.───这条裙子需要换一根松紧腰带。
英语使用场景 b>