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时间:2022-10-18 16:04:33 作者:星火作文 字数:2699字


Dispatch speech




Would you confirm the order dispatch date?───请你确定这张订单的出货日,好 吗 ?

I'll advise you of the dispatch of the goods.───我会通知你们货物的发运情况.

Give the seller in time the necessary instructions for dispatch.───及时给与卖方必要的发货指示.

Mr. Vlok promised new measures to protect residents, including the dispatch of police and troop reinforcements.───先生答应了新的保护居民的措施,包括派遣增援的警察和军队。

PoplarAfter Bin assumes office 14 days, obtained Internet news news to serve licence with dispatch net.───杨斌上任14天后, 和讯网获得了互联网新闻信息服务许可证.

When Japan surrendered at the end of World War, a few Japanese committed the happy dispatch.───第二次世界大战结束日本投降的时候, 有些日本人切腹自杀.

The Italian government was preparing to dispatch 4,000 soldiers to search the island.───意大利政府正准备派遣4,000名士兵搜索该岛。

Dispatch is the soul of Business.───迅速是处事之本.


The three - man board manages its business with care and dispatch.