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时间:2022-10-18 16:04:32 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3175字


World of Warcraft Hunter


魔兽世界───World of Warcraft;猎人───hunter


I served in the U.S. World of Warcraft, Warlock also practiced.───我在美服玩魔兽, 练的也是术士.

Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Account Administration Department.───感谢您联系魔兽世界帐号管理部门.

What is World of Warcraft?───什么是魔兽世界?

I've never played World of Warcraft, for example, but I have a lot of friends who do and who still do.───比如说,我从来不玩魔兽世界,但我有很多朋友玩,而且他们现在还在玩。

Inside World of Warcraft race best suited to the ministry that ah?───魔兽世界里边那个种族最适合做牧师啊?

Randy: World of Warcraft! I need to play!───屎蛋爸: 魔兽世界! 我需要玩!

Hello everyone, I am rookie and would like to World of Warcraft.───大家好, 我是菜鸟,很想玩魔兽.

game, called World of Warcraft, is cited on many sites by posters complaining of a "gaming addiction".───在许多网站上,抱怨“游戏成瘾”的帖子引用了其中一种游戏,叫做《魔兽世界》。


I served in the U.S. World of Warcraft, Warlock also practiced.

The herbalism profession in World of Warcraft is very rewarding.

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King will add a new option to the game's class roster with the introduction of the first hero class, the necromantic death knight.

GS : Do you think the World of Warcraft ( above ) success is repeatable?

Death Knight is often described as world of warcraft gold a Rogue in plate armor due to their use of runic energy and their damage dealing ability.