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时间:2022-10-11 20:04:42 作者:趣历史 字数:3193字


Must pass


必经───Must pass


Barack Obama must pass the telephone test.───巴拉克·奥巴马必须要通过“午夜凶铃”的考验。

Passengers must pass through metal detectors, and their carry-on bags are put through X-ray machines.───乘客必须通过金属探测器检测,其随身物品也必须经过X射线设备检测。

elementary and high school students in Massachusetts must pass a series of standardized tests throughout their studies.───马萨诸塞州小学和高中的学生在学习生涯中都必须通过一系列标准化测试。

In as early as the Western Han Dynasty, it was an important town in the Silk Road, and a must pass from Lanzhou to Dunhuang.───早在西汉,就是丝绸之路上的重要城镇,乃兰州到敦煌的必经之地。

One work-around for this is to break up the tests into a must-pass project and a provisional project.───变通方式,是把测试拆分成必须通过(must-pass)的项目和临时项目。

Other voices like the father's must pass through air, then fluid and may not cut through the general background noise.───其他人的声音比如父亲的声音一定要通过空气、再通过液体传送,所以可能无法从环境中的其他声音区分出来。


The passenger must pass through a security gate before reaching the check-in desk.

A couple of minutes must pass before the accumulator vanes behind the hood re-energized the conductors and insulators.

Bottled water must pass tests for lead and other chemicals.

But all important ones must pass through that process, and ours certainly falls into that class.

From Circe he had learned that they must pass the island of the Sirens.