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时间:2022-10-11 20:03:40 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2834字


If you want to


泬若───If you want to


Do call if you want to talk about it.───一定要打电话来,如果你想谈这件事。

I'll be in town next week if you want to meet.───如果你想见面的话,我下个星期在城里。

Very well, if you want to go, go you shall.───很好,如果你想走的话,你可以走了。

If you want to see more women in the boardroom, you could do worse than ensure that higher proportions study for an MBA, one argument goes.───有一种观点认为,如果你希望在董事会看到更多女性,那么不妨推动更多的女性去攻读MBA。

If you want to be a good listener - especially in a foreign language - you've got to stay focused.───若你想要成为一个好的聆听者-特别是在听外语时-你就必须持续地集中注意力。

If you want to be thorough, do this for a week, and calculate the percentage of your total time that you spent on each type of activity.───假如想把这事做彻底,可以持续做上一周,再计算你在每类活动中耗费的时间占总时间的百分比。


Try to be objective if you want to spend your money wisely.

You must ask permission if you want to leave early.

You must stick at it if you want to succeed.

You'd better book up if you want to go.

You can stay overnight if you want to.