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时间:2022-10-09 04:01:49 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3086字


Office of Housing Department


房务部───Housing Department;办公───to work in an office


The Housing Department is its executive arm.───房屋署是房委会的执行机构.

The participants were all part of a long-term housing study by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).───参加者都是住房和城市发展部进行的长期住房研究的一部分。

The big housing number of the week will come on Tuesday when the Commerce Department reports on housing starts for June.───最重要的房产数据是商业部将于周二公布的有关六月份住房开工数报告。

If you are a council tenant call the housing department about it.───市建住房租户请就该问题致电住房部。

The Housing Department manages three transit centres with a capacity for 510 people.───目前,房屋署负责管理全港三间临时安置所,可收容510人.

The Housing Department manages three transit centres with a total capacity of 864 places.───房屋署现管理临时安置所三间,可收容864人。


A spokesman for the Housing Department would only say that the tower blocks had seemed a good idea at the time.

So why are they different when met over the counter in a social security office or a housing department?

If you are living in council property you must discuss adapting your house with the housing department.

In two cases these policies had been developed as a result of dialogue between the housing department and local disability organisations.

I'll try and get the housing department to bend the rules for us.