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时间:2022-10-09 04:00:45 作者:星火作文 字数:2968字


There are more than 2000 students in our school


两千多名───More than 2000;学生───student


This part of Cairo has been inhabited for more than 2000 years.───这个部分已经有了2000多年的人类史。

The first relates to "mile" and is more than 2000 years old.───首先,mile这个词已经存在2000多年了。

not more than 2000 people in the hall.───大厅里的人数不超过2000人。

Subject matter: It can't be easy to put a positive spin on Stalin, under whose leadership more than 20 million Russians lost their lives.───主要内容:为斯大林贴上一个正面的标签是很容易的,在他的领导下,超过2000万俄罗斯人失去了生命。

With up to 2, 000 Nollywood films churned out a year, star actors often find themselves shooting more than one film a day.───诺莱坞一年推出约2000部电影,许多影星常常一天要奔跑于多个剧组。

A second $200bn injection from the government, talked about more than a year ago, has so far failed to materialise.───第二笔2000亿美元的政府注资从一年多前就开始谈论,但至今尚未到位。


His earnings never amouted to more than 2000 dollars a year.

More than 2000 years ago at Marathon, the Greeks won a victory.

During 1981 - 2, three instalments were issued amounting to more than 2000 pages.

There were more than 2000 sensors here.

Birthstone jewelry seems to have started more than 2000 years ago.