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时间:2022-10-08 08:03:12 作者:学习啦 字数:3059字


Peking opera


平剧───Peking opera


" You certainly have a big voice, " laughed Chueh - hsin, and he launched into a Peking opera aria.───“ 你的声音真大, ” 觉新笑着对 觉慧 说, 只听见他在上面唱京戏.

B Peking Opera. I'd love to go. I've never seen it before.───B京剧. 我想去. 我以前还从没看过京剧.

Zhanchangsha is a famous Peking opera featuring the role of Hongjing.───《战长沙》是京剧中一出著名的红净戏.

Liyuan Theatre presents traditional Peking Opera excerpts in short programmes for foreign audiences and in original styles.───梨园剧场为外国观众提供原创风格的京剧短剧节选。

I have been longing to see a Peking Opera.───我一直想看京剧.

Kevin ____ Peking opera, but now he likes popular songs.───凯文过去喜欢京剧, 但现在非常喜欢流行歌曲.

It is too expensive to watch Ballet and Peking opera.───芭蕾舞和京剧的票价都很贵.

He is a well - known Laosheng actor of Peking opera.───他是著名的京剧须生演员.


" You certainly have a big voice, " laughed Chueh - hsin, and he launched into a Peking opera aria.

Peking opera brings its audience endless aesthetic amusement with the aesthetic connotation of comprehensiveness, fantasy and stylization.

All offered plays are repertoire of Peking Opera that are carefully selected.

He had spent the last ten years in a Peking Opera school, studying martial arts and acrobatics.

Peking Opera is the quintessence of Chinese culture!