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时间:2022-10-08 08:02:47 作者:语文迷 字数:2487字


Gao Song


高嵩───Gao Song


About twenty years ago, Gao Xiaosong wrote the lyrics of the classic folk song My Old Classmate and touched millions of hearts.───二十多年前,高晓松创作了校园经典民谣《同桌的你》的歌词,打动了无数人的心。

This article recounts the life stories of Gao Song and his father during the Eastern Jin dynasty and explores the particular issues of the noble tombs in the South.───本文较为系统地论述了东晋时期高崧父子的生平事迹,并对南方士族墓葬的特殊性问题作了探讨。

Discussed race vocal music in should attention of a few technical ability: exactitude of breath, Gao position, the enunciation vomit a phrase. The confidence of the song style.───论述了民族声乐中应注意的几个技能:正确的呼吸,高位置,咬字吐词。歌曲风格的把握。


Gao Song, a 23-year-old graduate from Beijing Institute of Technology, lives in a two-bedroom apartment near Tongzhou, a suburban area.