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时间:2022-10-07 12:03:53 作者:语文迷 字数:2506字


I'm full of stomachs


肚子───belly;全身───whole body


Misers put their back and their belly into their pockets.───守财奴爱财如命,宁可饿肚皮,没衣穿.

She laid her hands on her swollen belly.───她把手放在隆起的肚子上。

Patient: Of course . I severe pain in my right belly and feel chilly.───病人: 是的, 我右上腹疼痛,还感觉寒战.

He was short and fat, with a large beer belly.───他又矮又胖,有个很大的啤酒肚。

A bayonet had been thrust through his belly.───一把刺刀刺穿了他的肚子.

Don't ask him what he thinks of the political situation, He won't know for he is a man who makes a god of his belly.───不要问他对政局的看法, 他不会知道什么,因为他一味追求吃喝.

He was short and fat, with a large beer belly.───他又矮又胖,挺着个大啤酒肚。

Better belly burst than good liquor be lose.───情愿胀破肚皮,也比浪费好酒为佳.


He had an awful ache in the belly.