great changes have taken place
Every scolding that boy just seems to glance off him and not change his behavior at all.───那个男孩每次受到责骂,似乎都成了耳边风,根本没有使他的行为举止发生任何变化.
In history, change is constant.───在历史上, 变化是不断的.
He is very obstinate; you won't be able to make him change his mind.───他这个人脾气犟, 你可拗不过他.
Neither threats nor promises could change his inflexible determination.───威胁与利诱均不能改变他坚定的决心.
We must look beyond for signs of change.───我们应该把目光放远,看到变化的迹象.
This was a refusal to change, to make progress.───这就是墨守成规, 不愿进步.
Leaves change colour in autumn.───树叶在秋天改变颜色。
Let's see a movie for a change.───让我们去看电影,换换口味.
We need to assess the impact on climate change.
The leopard does not change his spots.
At what station should I change?
There's going to be a change in the weather.
There is nothing permanent except change.