Army and division
军和师───Army and division
of armies, an army of corps (originally called columns), a corps of divisions, and a division of regiments.───野战军以下辖兵团,兵团辖军(即原来的纵队),军辖师,师辖团。
succeeding layers, the platoon, company, on up to division, all covered by the loose outermost layers of corps and army.───葱头核心之班级单位之外,为排、连单位,最高则到师级,最外层松散包裹葱头之单位为军、集团军。
other words, the main task for the 82nd Airborne Division and other army units for the foreseeable future, pace Ms Rice, will be nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan.───句话说,第82空降师以及其他战斗单位在可见的将来的主要任务,赖斯女士说,将是伊拉克和阿富汗的国家重建。
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