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时间:2022-10-07 04:01:07 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2902字


White silk


白帻───White silk


Can I have a look at some white silk shirts?───我想看看白色绸衬衣,好 吗 ?

Philippines: A white silk cord is draped around the couples shoulders to indicate their union.───菲律宾: 新人的肩上搭绕一根白的色彩的丝纺线以示他们的结合.

She selected a white silk dress for the party.───为参加宴会她选了一件白色的丝绸装.

Silkworms, if they eat mulberry leaves, put out white silk.───那个蚕要吃桑叶吐出来的丝是白的.

The bride's shoes are white silk or satin.───新娘的鞋子是白色的,丝绸或缎子做的.

A vision in white silk.───看那白色的丝绸.

Phillippiness: A white silk cord is draped around the couple's shoulders to indicate their union.───菲律宾: 新人的肩上搭绕着一根白色的丝线以示他们的结合.

B: I want a white silk shirt. Can you recommend something?───我想买一件白色的衬衫, 能推荐一下 吗 ?


She arrived in blue and white silk and wore floral dresses and a more natural smile than usual.

He had on a white silk shirt, black slacks, and black loafers.

White silk panels were inset into the sides of the dress.

In a short white silk suit, with a lace-edged jacket, she looked like a petite, rather smug Tinkerbell.

She looked beautiful -- the white silk of her blouse complemented her olive skin perfectly.