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时间:2022-10-06 16:03:45 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2901字


Jian Yi


简诣───Jian Yi


Foreword part makes a simple review of the studies on Yi Jian Zhi and ghost cultural in literature realm, and elucidates the meaning of writing.───引言部分对《夷坚志》和文学领域中神鬼文化的学术研究作一简单回顾,并说明本文写作的意义。

The third chapter to research on voice, vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric, culture, psychology and language habits from various angles to explore the reason of allotropy in "Yi Jian Zhi".───第三章从语音、词汇、语法、修辞、文化心理和语言习惯,多角度地探究《夷坚志》同素异序词产生的缘由。

The second chapter, study the eight groups appear allotropy word in "Yi Jian Zhi" in Longitudinal.───第二章对《夷坚志》中出现的八组同素异序词进行历时研究。

and therefore the more anxious to attack this writer, the ancient writers of the Mi Shou-jian, Yi Si will never solve the hope that .───因而今文学家攻之愈急,古文学家守之则弥坚,一似永无解决之希望。

There are many "improper dichotomy" instances, which justifies Mr. Jian Yi's philosophical principle " trichotomy " .───面对大量“不当二分法”的事例,本文支持坚毅先生“三分法”的哲学原理。

Over the years, the paint industry, Tian Jian Yi Ran stand in the wave of reform and opening up.───多年来,建田漆业屹然挺立于改革开放的浪头。
