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时间:2022-10-06 16:03:05 作者:语文迷 字数:2418字


Information filling system


填报───Fill in;系统───system


He helped us to fill in a big gap in our knowledge.───他帮我们填满知识上的空白.

I'll fill in the other details for you.───我将为你补充其他细节。

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate prepositions.───在下列句子的空格中填入适当的前置词.

This article is long enough to fill in two pages.───这篇文章长得足够排满两页版面.

Fill in the coupon and send it first class to the address shown.───填写订单,并按一类邮件寄至注明的地址。

Let's fill in the hole.───咱们把这个洞塞上.

Can you fill in some of the details of your career?───能不能把你的工作经历填得详细一点?

Please fill in this application form and your name.───请填写这张申请表并签名.


He helped us to fill in a big gap in our knowledge.