I also like snowballing
Broadly , they endorse Dr Patel's conclusion that Snowball is jiving to the beat.───他们基本上赞成帕特博士的结论,“雪球”的确在踩着节奏摇摆.
We were snow farmers, and to us, first frost meant magic snowball time.───我们是种雪的农夫, 对我们而言, 霜冻的第一天就是魔力雪球节.
A snowball gathers as it goes on.───雪球越滚越大.
Pug scooped up snow and packed a snowball.───帕格抓了一把雪,把它捏成雪球.
I am sure getting a lot of exercise in this snowball fight.───我肯定可以在雪球战里充分运动.
All this publicity has had a snowball effect on the sales of their latest album.───所有这些宣传对他们最新唱片的销售产生了一种滚雪球效应。
First frost meant magic snowball time.───早霜意味着是播种魔法雪球的时候.
All the pigs were in full agreement on this point, even Snowball and Napoleon.───所有的猪一致同意这条命令, 斯诺鲍与拿破仑也不例外.
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