lifetime employment system
终身雇佣制───lifetime employment system
also a function of a peculiar labour market with lifetime employment, a wage system based on seniority rather than performance, and little job mobility among managers.───同时这种薪酬制度也有助于维护该国特有的讲究论资排辈和缺乏流动性的终身雇佣制为基础的劳动力市场。
Indeed, the lifetime employment system makes bosses loth to rock the boat (and means they have few other job options if they do).───终生雇佣制的确让众管理者不愿惹是生非(如果真惹事了的话,终生雇佣制度会让他们无太多机会跳槽)。
Much is made of Japan's lifetime-employment system, but that hardly applies to foreigners.───日本人大多都是终生雇佣制,但那很少在外国人身上实行。
Indeed, the lifetime employment system makes bosses loth to rock the boat (and means they have few other job options if they do).───的确,终身雇用制度让公司领导者不会轻易自会前程,同时也意味着如果他们在一家公司干不下去的话,找到其他工作的机会也微乎其微。
At the time this was a radical departure from the traditional seniority and lifetime employment system in Japan.───当时,这种做法彻底背离了日本按资排辈和终身雇用的传统就业体制。
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