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时间:2022-09-29 08:04:54 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2285字


what makes you think so


何以───Why;见得───I see


She wondered why they hadn't given her an answer.───她纳闷儿为什么他们没给她回信.

Providing that you exercise due care, there is no reason why you shouldn't live to a great age.───只要你适当地注意, 你就可享有很高的寿命.

Why do you leave all the hard work up to your mother?───你为什么把所有难做的事都留给你母亲?

Why haven't you got my letter? I sent it off last week.───你为什么还没有收到我的信? 我上星期就寄出去了.

Why do you push me from you?───你为什么把我推开?

Take it gently; why must you go at everything like a bull at a gate?───处事从容不迫些, 你为什么做每件事都这么鲁莽 呢 ?

Why did he honk at me?───他为什么对我按喇叭?

Why worry yourself sick?───何苦自寻烦恼?
