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时间:2022-09-29 08:04:02 作者:趣历史 字数:2995字


Sideburns and beards




It's Macy Gray with pork - chop sideburns!───是个象猪排一样的连鬓胡子梅西.格雷!

Please leave my sideburns alone.───请留下我的鬓角.

Please don't cut sideburns.───请不要剪鬓发.

The line should be continuously straight all around the head, behind the ears, at the hairline and on sideburns.───这条线应该是环绕脑袋的一条直线,包括耳后、发际线和鬓角部位。

Very well, sir. How about your sideburns?───好的, 先生. 您的两鬓剪不剪 呢 ?

Easy - View ( tm ) Trimmer Provides unobstructed view for shaping sideburns, mustache or beards.───易观 ( 商标 ) 特里默提供通畅期塑造鬓角, 胡子或胡须.

moustaches and swashbuckling sideburns packed out this year’s Alpine Beard Festival in Chur, Switzerland.───在今年瑞士科尔举行的阿尔卑斯“美髯大会”上,随处可见那些奇奇怪怪的小胡子和神气活现的鬓角胡须。

He was a tall bald man wearing sideburns.───他个子高,头顶秃,腮边蓄着鬓胡.


They were Movement people; they had Movement sideburns and Movement voices.

He also sparked a new interest in sideburns.

He had always kept it close-cropped; occasional sideburns were his sole concession to the style of the hippie era.

Pale facial disc distinctively edged black, forming sideburns.

"Wiggo" did(sentencedict.com/sideburns.html), with sideburns and sans drugs.